is a 3ds max atmosphere that was developed with the purpose of
simulating real fire. The main idea is to achieve maximum visual
realism without having to go deep into differential equations and
physics but with the help of simple tools and a little time to create
naturally looking fire, static as well as animated. Lighters and gas
burners are something hard to imitate. Phoenix helps you a lot allowing
full control of the colors, transparency and the shape of the flames.
One of Phoenix’s unique features is the PhoenixGen. It’s a helper that
can create flames of any shape based on source splines. It can create
additional flames arranged on the source spline having full control
over their bending, rotation and many more or directly convert the
spline into a flame. Phoenix supports modified objects. Put as many
modifiers as you want to your mesh, animate their parameters and
Phoenix will do the rest for you, taking into consideration mesh
changes it will generate the most realistic fire flames you have ever
seen in 3ds max.